Two Blues

As I have said before, I love blue. It's my favorite color.  Thus the blue on blue outfit.

 So knowing that I had to shop again yesterday (poor me, right?), I once again needed comfort, cool and professional. But not too professional because shopping is a sport after all. LOL! Anyway, I slipped on my chambray pants, a royal blue striped sparkle tank and some shiny flats. I added a couple of silver bracelets and it was off to the races!

What do you wear shopping? Do you dress up or do you wear functional clothes that allow for some heavy-duty shopping?

Pants - Gap
Tank - J. Crew Factory
Flats - Zara
Bracelets 1 & 2 - Belk

Don't forget to click on the blue hot links to purchase the same or similar items for your wardrobe.

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